About Capital Creations LLC
Capital Creations LLC is a real estate investment company based in Las Cruces, New Mexico. We have been buying and selling Real Estate and Real Estate Contracts in New Mexico since 1991. "We" is actually 2 companies: Capital Creations LLC and Critical Point Properties LLC. Capital Creations buys contracts and Critical Point buys houses and apartments.
Our privacy policy is simple: we don't share any information you provide to us without your written permission. Period. We don't archive your data on the internet. Even if someone hacks our website, there is no data stored there. We use data you provide us 1) to enable us to contact you and 2) to determine what we are able to pay for your contract or house.
Quotes we provide you are our best estimate of what we can pay. The accuracy of our estimates depends on the accuracy and completeness of the data you provide as well as facts about the real estate that we find in our research. We are generally accurate with our estimates but deviations are not uncommon. You are never obligated to accept an estimate.
What We Do
We buy "paper", also known as Real Estate Contracts. If you are receiving monthly payments from the sale of your house or apartment, we can pay cash for the right to receive those payments. For more information, click here.
We can pay cash for your house or apartment. We buy real estate in any condition and our cash quotes are usually "cash to you at closing". For more information, click here.
We can also buy real estate if you will "carry the paper", also known as "owner financing". The benefits of owner financing can be striking. You usually get a higher sale price and you collect far more total money because you receive interest. For more information, click here.